Epistemological Explanation of Fortune-Telling, Soothsaying, Prescience, and the Likes
I have noticed two major schools of thought with respect to those who claim to foresee the future. The adherents of one school dismiss such claimants out of hand, decry the impossibility of their claims, and swiftly label them as frauds and charlatans. The adherents of the other school may dismiss some such claimants as snake oil salesmen but nonetheless superstitiously believe in the supernatural phenomena of prescient and psychic abilities of genuine soothsayers. Though I loosely fall into the former school of thought, I do reject the rigidity of many of my schoolmates’ position because their absolutist dismissal precludes them from considering the issue from a nuanced, philosophical perspective. While the view through the philosophical lens certainly does not lend credence to the latter school’s beliefs of an extraordinary nature, it does nonetheless reveal that the claims regarding the abject impossibility of foreseeing the future by the dogmatists in my midst are arbitrary and err...